
Safe, High-Quality Plastic Used for Packaging Applications

Plastic Bottle Flip Caps

Plastic is one of the most common materials used in packaging, and it’s used for a wide range of applications, from plastic grocery bags to reusable plastic jugs. Plastic tends to be more affordable, moldable, and accessible compared to other materials, and Central Plastics is dedicated to sourcing and manufacturing the best plastic materials for the packaging industry.

Some common types of plastic used in packaging include:

  • PET for many types of plastic bottles
  • HDPE for milk bottles
  • PVC for plastic wrap
  • PP for sturdy containers, such as jugs, buckets, and bottles
  • Acrylic for some containers and bottles

Central Plastics has established long-term relationships with many of our customers, and they count on us for quality and consistency – which is what we deliver every time!

Contact Central Plastics today to learn more about how we can help with your next packaging application.